Keith Harris


Faith in the Shadows - the other side of the fence

Faith in the Shadows

By: Keith R Harris (Author), Gerard V Maille (Illustrator), Loughlin P Shannon (Editor)


'Faith in the Shadows: The Other Side of the Fence' investigates and comments on the relationships between God, disability, spirituality, Faith and inclusion, establishing the joyful reality of Faith in God in the life of a disabled person, even in extreme circumstances. It is written from the perspective of the disabled person and their faith statements that we need to hear and actualise within the spiritual life of their church communities. This book proposes a new perspective (definition) of Faith, opening the door to inclusion and expression for disabled people within their faith-based community. 'Faith in the Shadows' encourages us to go through the 'fence' to the other side and discover the true beauty of people who live with a disability, to understand their 'language' and to share their life and Faith with them. In 'Faith in the Shadows,' we gain comfort and hope from its message of God's personal relationship with and love for people with a disability. It is a must-read book for all who care for and love disabled people.

"On a personal note, as someone with permanent disabilities from an early childhood car accident, it meant a lot to see some of my own inner turmoil and struggles being reframed carefully and considerately within the broader context of spiritual faith in God. It helped crystallise some of my fuzzy thought processes about body, soul and spirit; I am very grateful for that. Faith being more than intellectual or mental assent or just knowledge was hands down one of the best comments in the book. A strong reminder that we are spiritual beings" [Nickolas Brown]

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 The Shadow World
Chapter 2 The Fence
Chapter 3 A Brief History
Chapter 4 Defining Being
Chapter 5 Defining Disability
Chapter 6 Defining Faith
Chapter 7 Reality of Faith
Chapter 8 Actualising Faith6
Chapter 9 Living Faith
Chapter 10 Faith in the Shadows
Chapter 11 Encouraging Faith
Chapter 12 Accountable Faith
Chapter 13 Conclusions
Chapter 14 Postscript: On Our Side
Internet Links & Software Resources
Appendix I:
Disability, Religion, and Spirituality Resources
Web Sites
Appendix II: Jody Plecas, Questions
Appendix III: Additional Articles & Books
Endorsement: Jason Forbes, Jericho Road

Faith in the Shadows back page

Product details

ISBN: 9780645366402
ISBN-10: 064536640
Audience: General
Format: Hardcover, Softcover, Digital
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 322
Published: 7th June 2023
Publisher: RiverView Publishing
Dimensions (cm): 25.4 x 17.78  x 2.54
Weight (kg): 0.97

Praise & Reviews

It was a great idea to educate our people about the importance of gaining an insight into the plight of the disadvantaged in achieving recognition within the church.

Allan Templeton - B.A. (Psychology)

This investigation of Faith and Disability will be of great value for leaders in church and youth group settings, as well as all believers.

Joannie Degnan Barth - M. Ed, Special Education Teacher

Faith in the Shadows gives a voice in writing to those can cannot operate in the world in a usual manner.

Jody Plecas - Australian Catholic University

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